Radio frequency directed energy weapon mitigation via passive beamforming reconfigurable intelligent surface





Despite their enormous potential benefits, the possibility of using Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces (RIS) to mitigate Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) and their effects has not been widely recognized. High power radio frequency (RF) sources in a directed energy weapon can cause permanent damage by releasing concentrated energy in a specific direction.


Drexel has recently completed research in this area, developing and testing novel RIS approaches for this type of defense application. The integration of wideband circularly-polarized antenna systems with RIS technology can potentially be used to alleviate DEW attacks across a wide range of frequencies regardless of the polarization of electromagnetic waves.  Drexel's mitigation strategies leverage passive antennas with electronically tunable phase and amplitude. This novel technology can detect and adaptively manipulate the propagation of directed energy waves, providing a flexible, adaptable, and scalable solution to DEW attacks.


Full-wave simulation results validate the concept and show the potential promising application of RIS for the mitigation of DEW attacks.


Problems solved: Novel method for detecting and mitigating DEW attacks. High-powered DEWs can be redirected or dissipated, minimizing risk to humans and critical systems. Overcomes the limitation of narrow frequency band antennas by integrating with wideband circularly-polarized antenna systems. 


Drexel is interested in exploring collaboration with companies that have a research and commercialization focus in this area.   



Defense Technology, Wireless Communications




TITLE: Applications



Homeland security

Embassy protection

Other sensitive installations, commercial sectors or infrastructures requiring advanced electromagnetic protection technologies





Flexibility: Large operating bandwidth makes it responsive to wide variety of DEW attacks

Adaptability: RISs can redirect DEW sources away from critical targets

Scalability: Can be applied on multiple scales depending on the threat scenario



Intellectual Property and Development Status

Provisional patent application filed 







Commercialization Opportunities





 Contact Information      




Tanvi Muni, PhD

Licensing Manager,

Drexel Applied Innovation

(267) 359-5640



Patent Information: