Unmet Need: Production of high-performance composite materials using lignin
The emerging biomass refinery industry generates an enormous amount of lignin as waste in biochemical biomass-to-biofuel conversion processes. No practical biorefinery lignin valorization process has been demonstrated so far. Given the potential volume of biorefinery lignin, diverting the majority for material production is a particularly appealing approach. Unfortunately, existing technologies cannot produce high-performance composite such as carbon fiber using lignin. The key to solving this technical challenge is to identify an ideal lignin substrate with higher structural homogeneity and a set of unique structural specifics that can promote a steady interaction with its co-polymers.
The Technology: Method of Producing Lignin with Controlled Structural Properties Using Heterocycle Compounds
This technology presents a method of extraction of lignin with unique and controlled structural properties. The method uses a solvent with a heterocycle compound in combination with one or more other chemicals. This lignin is further used to prepare high-performance composite materials and in the production of energy storage devices.
Patent Information:
A provisional patent application has been filed.