Immersion in DI Water. A = C4F8 treated, B = O2 treated, C is Raw graphene
Executive Summary
Graphene has remained an attractive material due to its excellent intrinsic mechanical, thermal, and electrical properties. However, due to the chemically inert nature of the basal plane, significant engineering and/or chemical treatments of graphene are needed for it to be effective in a variety of applications. Researchers at Michigan State University have recently developed an efficient process to functionalize graphene using a plasma. The process is rapid, operates at atmospheric temperature and can uses no harsh chemicals. The process can be used to tailor graphene surface chemistry for a variety of important applications.
Description of the Technology
The technology is based on exposing graphene to plasma in a rotoary plasma reactor. Experiments have been conducted using octafluoracyclobutane (C4F8) and oxygen (O2) to create reactive sites (either oxygen or fluorine) on and around the basal plate of graphene nanoplatelets (GnP). Functionalized particles have been characterized by XPS, Raman microscopy, and XRD.
Patent Status
Licensing Rights
Discover Nano Paper “Plasma modification of graphene nanoplatelets surfaces”, Nov 2023
Dr. Andre Lee, Dr. Qi Hua Fan, Dr. Tyler Johnson