Probiotic Treatment for Type 1 Diabetes

Protects Insulin-Producing Cells to Regulate Blood Glucose Levels Naturally

This probiotic treatment protects human pancreatic beta cells, reducing the need for daily injections by allowing individuals with type 1 diabetes to make their own insulin naturally. Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease that causes the immune system to create antibodies that destroy the insulin-producing pancreatic beta cells. The inability to produce insulin results in irregular blood sugar levels, interfering with normal cellular functions. Type 1 diabetes can cause many health problems such as cardiovascular disease and kidney, eye, and nerve damage. An estimated 1.5 million Americans received a type 1 diabetes diagnosis in 2020 . Standard treatments are invasive, requiring regular insulin injections or an implanted insulin pump.


Researchers at the University of Florida have developed an oral probiotic treatment that inhibits the death of pancreatic beta cells, supporting natural insulin production. This will reduce a patient’s need for insulin therapy.




Probiotic treatment for type 1 diabetes that protects insulin-producing pancreatic beta cells



  • Protects insulin-producing cells, delaying diabetes progression and allowing natural regulation of blood glucose
  • Helps patients produce their own insulin, reducing the need for daily insulin injections or insulin pumps
  • Packs into a capsule for oral administration, minimizing invasiveness in treating type 1 diabetes


Isolated microvesicles from the naturally occurring probiotic Lactobacillus species can prevent or delay pancreatic beta cell death. By preserving the pancreatic beta cell population, individuals with type 1 diabetes can produce their own insulin. This treatment has already proven successful in phase 1 clinical trials and is currently in phase 2 trials at UF Health Shands Hospital. The microvesicles are administered orally and improve immune function and slow progression of the disease in at-risk, pre-diabetic, and diabetic individuals.

Patent Information:
Title App Type Country Serial No. Patent No. File Date Issued Date Expire Date
Mechanistic Bacterial Effector to Prevent Apoptosis of Human Beta Cells ORD/UTIL United States 17/059,586   11/30/2020