Portable Travel Mirror

Competitive Advantages

  •     Portable and freestanding
  •     Height is extendable
  •     Different bases available depending on application


USF inventors have developed a portable travel mirror that can function similarly to an at-home freestanding mirror, but also provide the portability and functionality that conventional hand-held portable mirrors cannot provide. The novel design includes a number of bases that can be exchanged depending on the needs of the user. Further, the mirror height can be adjusted through addition or subtraction of extension members. One side of the mirror will produce a magnified reflection while the other produces a regular reflection. This mirror can be taken apart for easy packing when traveling, and is freestanding so that the user does not have to hold it up while grooming. The device can be an essential tool for the everyday traveler. 

 Depictions of the Portable Travel Mirror 

Desired Partnerships

  • License
  • Sponsored Research 
  • Co-Development
Patent Information: