Polymerization of Lipid Assemblies in Aqueous Solution at Neutral pH

This invention is a novel method to induce radical polymerization in lipids in a neutral pH environment, preserving protein bioactivity. It utilizes a different set of reagents than a typical radical polymerization. This invention provides compounds comprising a triazenylidene moiety and methods for producing and using such compounds.


Normally, polymerization of lipids involves the production of acidic side products. Acidic conditions usually compromise protein bioactivity, rendering them useless when combined with the polymer.



  • Neutral pH is safer to operate in than acidic pH
  • Protein bioactivity is retained, allowing proteins to be used in conjunction with lipid polymers
  • Lipid polymers make for stable compounds in vivo
  • Safer and more efficient way of producing cross-linked lipid assemblies
  • Preserves protein function of any proteins incorporated into the assembly


  • Potential advanced drug delivery system 
  • Can be used for theranostic purposes to image potential tumors in real time
  • Cancer theranostics

Status: issued U.S. Patent #10,576,456

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