This technology is a system that allows for the harvesting of the body’s mechanical energy (e.g. from the heart cycle of contraction-relaxation) and subsequent conversion into electrical energy using piezeoelectric materials. The piezoelectric materials are monolithically integrated with rectifiers and millimeter-scale batteries, allowing for concurrent power generation and storage of harvested electrical energy. The components of this system are coated in a biocompatible material with superior mechanical properties that allow for a uninhibited organ motion while avoiding delamination of the system. These Mechanical Energy Harvesting (MEH) units are arranged in the body with other, identical units in order to increase the power generation capability of the entire system. Results from bovine and ovine models indicate that such a system is easily capable of generating enough power to operate a cardiac pacemaker. Background: Pacemakers and other similar implantable medical devices suffer from the shortcoming of limited battery life. When the useful life of the batteries powering these devices has expired, surgical procedures are usually necessary to replace them. Like all surgeries, these procedures involve undesirable risk to the patient, patient discomfort, and utilization of healthcare resources that could be put to other uses. Therefore reducing or eliminating the need for performing these replacement procedures is desirable. Application:
Status: issued U.S. patent #10,137,306