Optical Printed Circuit Board with Polymer Array Switch

Researchers at the University of Arizona have developed a flexible polymer waveguide array structure that serves as a stitch or jumper on an optical printed circuit board (OPCB). The flexible polymer waveguide array structure can be attached to the OPCB so that it can provide a chip-to-OPCB optical connection. Using an array of small polymer waveguides stitched together onto one circuit board, it provides a solution to the losses and manufacturing difficulties of conventional polymer waveguides, efficiently coupling to individual optical devices, such as silicon photonic chips, and propagating light over distances ranging up to tens of centimeters.


Polymer waveguides are useful for making connections among optical devices at short distances (1mm-10mm). However, at long distances (greater than 10mm), current polymer waveguides experience a number of disadvantages including long exposure times, higher losses, and difficult manufacturing options to reduce losses. The technology presented here solves these issues.



  • Chip-to-chip/chip-to-connector applications for any electronic circuit boards
  • Chip-to-OPCB optical connection


  • Low losses at distances up to tens of centimeters
  • Can be manufactured using photolithography with no need for long exposure times
  • More relaxed tolerances on lateral alignment

Status: issued U.S. patent #11,327,225

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