Optical Counting and Localization of Suspended Particles Using a Hough
Princeton Docket # 20-3689
Researchers at Princeton University and PPPL have developed a new method for counting bubbles in non-electronic, superheated emulsion bubble neutron detectors. Traditional single-image counting techniques lose accuracy as objects occlude one another at higher densities. By combining the bubble position data of multiple images, this technology overcomes the occultation limit from previous imaging methods and can identify the unique identity and three-dimensional location of the bubbles within the detector volume.
Mike Hepler is a Doctor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering working at the intersection of technology, security, and science policy. His research spans electric spacecraft propulsion, nuclear nonproliferation and verification technologies, and machine vision and artificial intelligence applications to radiation detection. He is currently based in Basel, Switzerland and is the founder of Sauterelle Consulting LLC.
Intellectual Property Status Patent protection is pending.
Princeton is currently seeking commercial partners for the further development and commercialization of this opportunity.
Contact Chris Wright
Princeton University Office of Technology Licensing • (609) 258-6762• cw20@princeton.edu
Laurie Bagley
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory • (609) 243-2425• lbagley@pppl.gov