Ultraviolet light has many existing uses and markets currently using a variety of light sources including mercury vapour lamps and lasers. With major recent progress in ultraviolet LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes) helping to extend markets, the introduction of this family of polymers is timely. Existing polymer materials do not transmit ultraviolet light below 300nm in wavelength. There are many application and markets to which polymers transmitting light below 300nm will be valuable.
The series of polymers developed between Strathclyde Pure and Applied Chemistry and the Institute of Photonics are world beating and address the pain points of many other cutting edge emerging technologies including:
A patent application on the underlying enabling technology has been filed. Contact is welcomed from organisations or individuals interested in using, developing, licensing or exploiting this technology. The researchers are currently in the process of forming a business plan for a spin-out company.
For further information, please contact Research & Knowledge Exchange Services: e: rkes@strath.ac.uk t: 0141 548 3707 f: 0141 552 4409