This technology is one of a set of five rat models that is focused on the role of estrogen and its receptors within the brain. This specific rat model is an ER-alpha-FloxP-Cre rat that has ER-alpha knocked out specifically in neurons.
Background: Progress in determining the role of estrogen and its receptors in the brain has been limited by the lack of translatable rat models of the estrogen receptors that can be genetically regulated across their lifespan. To answer these important questions, a set of five novel rat models have been developed. All five models provide unique opportunities to study the role of estrogen and its receptors in the brain as well as the potential to study the role of these receptors in other tissues. These models will also help assess the role of estrogen and its receptors based on temporal differences, i.e. young vs old rats. Rats are demonstrably a more translatable model than mice and these novel rat models will help shed light on the role of estrogen in the brain.
Five total rat models: