This technology is a means of generating non-Gaussian quantum states in light for use in quantum computing. Non-Gaussian quantum states are a subset of quantum states that enable operations that would not be possible with Gaussian states in quantum computers. As a result, they bring a lot of potential value to quantum computing. However, non-Gaussian states are also typically challenging to produce, so they have not historically been used. This technology solves this problem, creating a means of putting light into non-Gaussian states in a reliable and scalable manner that can be used as a fundamental component to produce more powerful photonic quantum computers in the future. Background: Quantum computers are advantageous over classical computers because they can perform particularly complex operations efficiently and solve problems not feasible with classical computers. They are viewed as particularly valuable for healthcare, cybersecurity, and finance industry, though companies in other industries are using them as well. For example, quantum computers have been used by researchers to process immense amounts of data related to the COVID-19 pandemic to learn valuable information that would have been difficult to obtain absent quantum computers. Applications: