Multimodal Prospective Learning Test Enhances Evaluation of Epilepsy Patients


Multimodal learning test to assess naming and facial recognition in post-operative epilepsy patients.

Key Benefits

  • Provides non-invasive, age-appropriate neuropsychological testing.
  • Allows clinicians to simultaneously assess multiple modalities.

Market Summary

Epilepsy is a chronic neurological disorder characterized by unpredictable, recurrent seizures and may affect people of all ages. These recurrent seizures and the surgical treatments often lead to cognitive dysfunction. Stereotaxic laser ablation is used to target specific areas of the temporal lobe and minimize collateral damage when treating medication-resistant epilepsy. Epilepsy patients may experience a decline in cognition following surgery involving the temporal lobes. These functions may include aspects of language (category-specific naming and verbal fluency), visuo-perceptual processing (face and object recognition), and semantic learning.

Technical Summary

The inventors have developed new media for neuropsychological testing of multiple modalities during cognitive assessments of epilepsy patients. These media include a series of clips in which the patient will view a subject in a location (generic or famous) and be provided basic semantic and autobiographical information. The clips may be shown multiple times, incorporating small changes, allowing clinicians to determine recall capability. The video clips were developed along with a scripted set of questions to be asked following viewing of the clips, aiding clinicians in patient assessment. This system can help clinicians understand an individual’s ability to recognize objects and faces, connect names and other content with faces and objects, and recall spatial and geographical interrelationships.

Developmental Stage

Media have been produced.

Publication: Drane, D. L. et al. (2013). Cortex, 49(6), 1648-1667.

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