A novel method for precise genome mapping and sequencing using Cas9-mediated labeling within nanochannels.
This technology is a method for mapping a whole genome using a universal multi-color mapping strategy in nanochannels that combines a conventional sequence-motif labeling system with Cas9-mediated target-specific labeling. This technique allows the detection of structural variants and enables custom labels to interrogate features not accessible to motif labeling, locate breakpoints, and precisely estimate copy numbers of genomic repeats.
TITLE:Key Advantages
Ability to detect features not accessible to motif-labeling
Precise location of breakpoints
Estimation of copy numbers of genomic repeats
Cost-effective alternative to long-read sequencing technologies
Problem Solved
TITLE:Problems Solved
Difficulty in characterizing structural variants with short-read sequencing
Inability to precisely locate breakpoints or estimate copy numbers
TITLE: Market Applications
Detection and analysis of genetic disorders and pathogenic conditions
Detailed genome mapping in research and clinical settings
Investigating mutagenesis and quantifying copy numbers
Intellectual Property and Development Status
Patent Pending #WO2022266464A1 - Multicolor whole-genome mapping and sequencing in nanochannel for genetic analysis
Canada Patent Pending #CA3223202A1 - Multicolor whole-genome mapping and sequencing in nanochannel for genetic analysis
Pubinfo should be the citation for your publication. Publink is the full url linking to the publication online or a pdf.
Nature Scientific Reports 2020: Multiplex structural variant detection by whole-genome mapping and nanopore sequencing
Nucleic Acids Research 2021: Customized optical mapping by CRISPR–Cas9 mediated DNA labeling with multiple sgRNAs
Commercialization Opportunities
This invention is part of a larger portfolio of technologies available for licensing and commercialization around TOOLS FOR GENOMIC APPLICATIONS POWERED BY CRISPR/CAS9 BASED DNA LABELING
Contact Information
For Intellectual Property and Licensing inquiries
Robert McGrath, Ph.D.
Senior Associate Vice Provost,
Drexel Applied Innovation
Office of Research and Innovation
3250 Chestnut Street, Ste. 3010 Philadelphia, PA 19104
Inventor information
Ming Xiao, PhD
Professor School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems
Inventor Webpage