Multi-mode Imaging in the Thermal Infrared for Chemical Contrast Enhancement

Reference #: 00811

Invention Description:

This technique relies on a thermal imaging system adapted with a modulated light source. Chemical contrast in the image is enhanced by using AC responses as well as lock-in amplifier techniques to acquire both reflection and emission data about the sample.

Potential Applications:

One skilled in the art will recognize that this technique can be used for, but is not limited to, the imaging of blood or proteins. Data would suggest this technique could be used to identify any substance that has a unique spectral profile.

Advantages and Benefits:

Data shows that this novel method is potentially a viable, non-destructive chemical detection technique.

Patent Information:
Title App Type Country Serial No. Patent No. File Date Issued Date Expire Date
Multi-Mode Imaging in the Thermal Infrared for Chemical Contrast Enhancement Utility United States 12/898,024 8,823,802 10/5/2010 9/2/2014 7/3/2033