Summary: UCLA Researchers have developed a molecular quantum information system, showcasing its potential for room-temperature operation and scalability compared to current quantum random access memory (qRAM). Background: Quantum computing stands as an emerging technology with immense market significance. Leveraging the unique properties of quantum mechanics, quantum computers execute complex calculations exponentially faster than classical counterparts. Quantum random access memory holds a crucial role in quantum computing by enhancing data storage and retrieval processes, ultimately bolstering the efficiency and scalability of quantum computer systems. While various concepts of qRAM devices have been proposed, these systems operate at liquid helium temperatures, up to 9K, and none of them incorporate a molecular component, indicating an unexplored area. Therefore, there is a pressing demand for innovative solutions to advance qRAM technology, enabling its integration into practical applications and addressing the current limitations associated with operating temperatures.
Innovation: Professors Prineha Narang and Paul Weiss have engineered a quantum information system through self-assembly of chiral molecules, demonstrating the potential for room-temperature functionality and scalability compared to existing qRAM technologies. This innovative molecular qRAM device comprises a single layer of chiral molecules on a solid-state substrate, forming a sandwich structure, and utilizes chirality-induced spin selectivity (CISS). By harnessing the CISS phenomenon, these molecules or materials can selectively transport electrons with specific spin orientations, presenting a unique avenue for spin generation and control. The experimental demonstration of the CISS effect at room temperature indicates the device's capability to operate at elevated temperatures, surpassing the current limitations of existing qRAM technologies. Its self-assembly process and straightforward fabrication allow for scalability to larger sizes. Furthermore, the inherent tunability and flexibility of individual quantum states through chemical synthesis enable precise manipulation of qubits. Additionally, the molecular system shows promise as long-range quantum information transducers and for other applications, opening pathways for advanced quantum communication and processing technologies.
Potential Applications: • Quantum random access memory (qRAM) • Quantum information transducer • Quantum Sensor • Metrology • Cryptography
Advantages: • Stability at room temperature • Scalability • Flexibility
Development to Date: First successful demonstration of the invention: Mar. 3rd, 2023
Related Papers: Liu Tianhan, and Paul S. Weiss. "Spin Polarization in Transport Studies of Chirality-Induced Spin Selectivity." ACS nano 17.20 (2023): 19502-19507.
Reference: UCLA Case No. 2023-182
Lead Inventors: Prof. Prineha Narang and Prof. Paul Weiss.