Mobile Instrumentation for the Detection and Sampling of Aerosol Particles

Hazardous airborne particles pose a risk for health and safety in a variety of environments and thus detection of these small particles is essential. Current particle magnification systems are bulky and require a lot of power for operation, making them unsuitable to easily detect and analyze small particles in mobile and personal settings.

CDC/NIOSH scientists have developed a space-saving miniature instrumentation and methods for the direct sampling and analysis of small particles (diameter < 300-400nm). The systems can effectively sample air at a rate of a few liters per minute and concentrate the particulate matter into microliter or milliliter liquid samples. The novel system uses proton exchange membranes to grow small particles for optical detection using standard methods. Further, these methods allow the system to separate condensation and aerosol flow to enhance user mobility. Moreover, the described methods use inexpensive materials and require low power for operation.
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