Minimally Invasive Surgery Platform Attachment Apparatus

Competitive Advantages

  • This method requires only one videoscope for peritoneal cavity insertion.
  • This invention makes minimally invasive surgery even less invasive for patient.


The current invention provides an apparatus and a method for attaching a camera system, or related video system, within the body cavity without needing another videoscope for visualization. More specifically, this invention is a novel endoscopic attachment tool to be used for attaching the camera platform within the peritoneal cavity. The platform provides its own imaging during attachment removing the need for an additional cabled laparoscope at any portion of the procedure. 
The present invention also possesses its own needle and suture attachment which are used to tether the videoscope to the peritoneal cavity. The procedure laid out within this invention details the step-by-step process for insertion and camera attachment during the minimally invasive surgical procedure.

The above schematic is an illustration of a representative camera platform after attachment to the abdominal wall.  

Desired Partnerships

  • License
  • Sponsored Research
  • Co-Development
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