Methods for Securing Wireless Communications at the Physical Layer

This invention is a method that enables users to obfuscate their transmission patterns by intelligently producing friendly jamming at the transmitter end, a technique that prevents low level eavesdropping.


In a world dominated by ever-developing technology, the demand for reliable digital security measures is increasingly prevalent. When securing communications at the software level, like most current security schemes, it became apparent that prevention of eavesdropping may show a stronger performance at the hardware level. Using a multiple input and multiple output scheme in addition to game theoretic considerations, this method was developed as an easier way to secure wireless communications.



  • Military
  • Personal (internet, devices, vehicles, home, etc.)
  • Electronic health records
  • Mobile devices and hotspots
  • Aeronautical/astronomical instruments (i.e. satellites)
  • Buildings/locations


  • Versatility in hardware implementation
  • Easily integrated into current technologies
  • Prevents low level eavesdropping
  • Includes locations of all legitimate receivers

Status: issued U.S. patent #10,069,592 and #10,439,755

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