Method to Measure Transportation System Performance and Infrastructure Restoration

Competitive Advantages

  • Efficient allocation of time and resources
  • Fast decision making
  • Optimization of multiple factors in capacity-flow transportation


USF inventors have created a comprehensive method to assess damages and resilience and efficiently plan repairs and reconstruction of transportation infrastructure. This novel methodology has superior decision making tools to select roads and/or infrastructure to be restored and allocate resources while taking in to account multiple factors. These factors can range from type of degradation or destruction, resource consumption per job, and urgency for entire system performance. This optimizes and prioritizes the resources, money, and time spent on repairing and reconstructing infrastructure systems. The method has great potential to improve transportation and infrastructure in a multitude of places after natural disasters.

Bi-Level Problem Formulation for Transportation Infrastructure Restoration Optimization After Disruptive Events Considering Unmet Demand in Resilience Measure  

Desired Partnerships

  • License
  • Sponsored Research
  • Co-Development
Patent Information:
Title App Type Country Serial No. Patent No. File Date Issued Date Expire Date
A System and Method for Infrastructure Restoration Plan Optimization Provisional United States 62/576,018   10/23/2017    
System And Method For Infrastructure Restoration Plan Optimization Utility United States 16/110,547 11,321,648 8/23/2018 5/3/2022 4/6/2039