Method of Rapid Nanophotonic Design and a Nanophotonic Waveguide to Fiber Coupler

Researchers at the University of Arizona have developed a rapid design approach for designing nanophotonic devices. The invention is a novel implementation of  an iterative optimal approach related to the known coupled dipole modeling approach. The novel implementation is several orders of magnitude faster than finite difference time domain approaches.


Most current approaches to the design of nanophotonic devices are based on 2D systems and use slow simulation routines such as finite difference time domain (FDTD). While these approaches are suitable for the design of 2D structures using lithographic approaches, they are not well suited for the design of 3D structures.



  • Biological sensing
  • Optical computing
  • Superresolution microscopy
  • Compact waveguide-to-fiber couplers


  • Several orders of magnitude faster than conventional approaches
  • Better performance of 3D nanostructures
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