Method for the Treatment of Depression

This invention involves utilizing a composition, PG-20N, to treat depression or anxiety. It is specifically designed to treat conditions with a selective melanocortin 5 (MC5R) antagonist. Melanocortins exert many biological activities in the brain including control of feeding, grooming, hyperalgesia, social and sexual behaviors, central regulation of inflammation, fever, and cardiovascular functions, as well as neurotrophic activities.



Depression and anxiety contribute significantly to death and disability worldwide, and they frequently occur together. While industry standard solutions widely accept antidepressants as treatment, they typically result in only modest therapeutic efficiency after weeks of administration. In addition to their mild effectiveness, antidepressants have serious side effects such as: initially worsening symptoms, nausea, increased appetite, insomnia and blurred vision to name a few. These antidepressants have been approved by the FDA as they remain the few acceptable solutions to signaling systems in the brain. Currently there is a demand for drugs that can target brain systems in order mitigate the symptoms that antidepressants can invoke.



  • Treatment of depression
  • Treatment of anxiety
  • Disease management
  • Research and development


  • Therapeutic treatment for depression and anxiety
  • Quicker effects post-administration
  • More potent clinical improvement
  • Reduced side effects

Status: issued U.S. patent #10,653,743

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