Method for On-Chip Squeezed and Entangled Light Generation

Quantum entanglement is as follows: entangled photons for transferring information between two nodes, in which the receiver holds half of the entangled photons while the sender holds the other half. Thus, communication and sensing are made possible by manipulation of these photons and/or observation of the changes of these photons.

This invention is a way to generate entangled light via on-chip components. This chip is integrated with microring (ring) resonators which is the component that produces the resonance of light waves. The combination of on-chip interferometers allows for coherent quantum measurements. Tapered waveguides are used to increase the quantum coupling efficiency. Temperature tuning of the resonant frequencies and interferometer phases is realized by electrodes.


Quantum sensors emit photons that carry quantum information about surrounding magnetic and electric fields, which can be used for biosensing, neuroimaging, object detection, and other sensing applications. Traditional quantum sensors are large and use expensive components that limit practicality and scalability. This method proposed is another way to scale all the bulky components onto a chip which is millimeters in size. This is done using traditional semiconductor fabrication techniques. The ability to put a quantum sensor on a chip is a dramatic decrease in the size of the sensor and will allow for better integration into real world applications. This will also greatly decrease the cost it takes to produce quantum sensors because it builds off of traditional fabrication techniques.


  • Quantum sensing
  • Quantum information


  • Less expensive
  • Smaller size
  • Practicality
  • More efficient
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