Method and System for 3D Imaging using Deflectometric Information and Polarization

This invention describes a novel method of 3D reconstruction imaging, utilizing a blend of deflectometry and shape from polarization (SfP). In order to overcome the limitations of current methods of 3D imaging, the technology will pursue exploitation of deflectometric and SfP information to achieve an overall faster 3D reconstruction with polarization camera and single shot deflectometry pattern.

Classical deflectometry and shape from polarization limitations include two main issues: shape from polarization (SfP) normal ambiguity problem and assumption of orthographic projection model. Both issues limit the 3D scanning technology by over- or under-estimation of measurement values, thus producing an incorrect reconstruction. Through exploitation of the deflectometric and SfP information, the calculation of surface information may be accomplished quickly and more accurately in this new method.


  • 3D measurement in various fields, including:
    • Medical imaging
    • Virtual reality
    • Industrial inspection
  • 3D reconstruction imaging


  • Quicker and more efficient 3D reconstruction
  • Application possibilities in medical imaging, virtual reality, and industrial settings
  • Increased efficiency in measurement for accurate reconstruction
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