Mesoscale Convective Sestem Tracking Method Calibrated for Arabian Peninsula Convections

This software includes a method of tracking organized atmospheric convections by developing tracking criteria through cloud top temperature and precipitation.

A demonstration of this technology for the Arabian Peninsula is described in:  Chang, H.-I, K. Oliver, C. L. Castro, I. Hoteit, 2021: Tracking mesoscale convective system sub-seasonal forecast in the Arabian Peninsula through satellite observation and numerical modeling products. American Meteorological Society 101st Annual Meeting, 10-15 January 2021.

Severe weather associated with convective thunderstorms is becoming more intense globally. More reliable forecast systems are needed for early warning of extreme weather events, such as heavy precipitation, flash flooding, and heat waves. Climate changes are challenging societal resilience and economies. Improved extended weather models and forecasting are needed to mitigate risk and to inform infrastructure needs.  


  • Severe convective system modeling
  • Weather forecasting
  • Sub-seasonal forecast evaluations
  • Climate forecasting
  • Resilience analysis


  • Increased reliability for extreme weather forecasting
  • Extended forecast times
  • Large-scale regional applicability
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