Measurement Apparatus of Wavefront and Polarization Profile of Vectorial Optical Fields

Competitive Advantages

  • High data fidelity
  • Versatile metrology tool
  • Full characterization of vector beams
  • Equally suited for classical and quantum regimes


Inventors at USF have developed a direct measurement method that is capable of characterizing the full transverse field profile of fully-polarized vector beams. The direct measurement process involves a separation of orthogonal polarization components, a weak polarization perturbation, and a polarization resolving imaging process. Polarization information provides a robust and versatile metrology tool for fundamental studies of vector beams and a wide spectrum of applications utilizing vector beams, including microscopy, surveillance, communication and imaging.

The Measured Phase of the Two Circular Polarization Components

Desired Partnerships

  • License
  • Sponsored Research
  • Co-Development





Patent Information:
Title App Type Country Serial No. Patent No. File Date Issued Date Expire Date
Measurement Apparatus of Wavefront and Polarization Profile of Vectorial Optical Fields Utility United States 16/404,600 11,067,450 5/6/2019 7/20/2021 6/4/2039