Materials with Optically-Addressable Compression Memory



There is a need for recording compressive incidents in areas such as head injuries, or packaging. Concussion prevention and increased head protection for athletes has become a focus in all levels of sport. Football is one sport in particular that has recently come under fire for the many head injuries sustained by athletes, and their possible life-long impact. Increased knowledge of the effects of concussions or accumulated head injuries over a long period of time has encouraged a push for more protective helmets. New helmets with increased padding, additional equipment or new sensors can be bulky, heavy and a nuisance for players. A solution that can be integrated into current headgear is preferable by both athletes and suppliers.


Description of Technology

This technology is a set of calibrated polymer-based materials that immediately report a sustained hit that could endanger the athlete. Once a specified force limit is exceeded, the material changes color for easy detection, and the athlete can be removed from play.

Additional materials can be added to study the helmet efficacy over time, recording accumulated hits sustained over the lifetime of the material.  This technology will immediately report compressive forces exceeding the prescribed limit and also helmet condition over its entire lifetime.


Key Benefits

  • Immediate Feedback: If a dangerous hit is obtained, the material changes color instantly
  • Increased Safety: Prevents further injuries by alerting users of a possible previous head injury
  • Passive: This material does not require any external power or wireless communication
  • Customizable: Can be created to fit an athlete’s specific concussion history through various calibration techniques



  • Protective Sports Equipment (football, cycling, hockey, lacrosse, etc.)
  • Military Head Protection
  • Packaging


Patent Status


Foreign patent application published, no. WO2016014355A1


Licensing Rights Available


Full licensing rights available




Marcos Dantus, Gary Blanchard

Tech ID




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