Materials Selection Criteria for Electrochemical Sensing Using Organic Electrochemical Transistor (OECT)

This technology is a new method for selecting materials when designing organic electrochemical transistors (OECTs). This method aides the design of OECT-based sensors, enabling optimization for operating power level and sensitivity.

OECTs are transistors useful in sensing and bioelectronics because they are simple, easy to manufacture, and miniaturizeable. They can translate the presence of various substances in a fluid into an electrical signal, and they are especially useful for detection of substances found in small quantities such as biomarkers within the sweat on someone’s skin. In addition, OECTs work well when incorporated into flexible devices such as a patch that is attached to someone’s skin and moves with the wearer. 

When designing skin-attached biosensors, it is important to minimize the power consumption while maximizing the ability to detect even trace quantities of the desired biomarker. This technology provides a methodology of effectively selecting OECT materials to optimize these properties.


  • Sensors
  • Bioelectronics
  • Medical diagnostics & biosensors


  • High sensitivity
  • High stability
  • Low power requirements
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