Magnetic field assisted fast charging of lithium ion batteries

ISURF 5180 describes a method for fast charging of lithium ion batteries. A major limitation of Li-ion batteries for use in many applications, including electric vehicles, is the timescale for normal charging. Although fast charging is possible, over-oxidation in charging is common as electrodeposition of the anodic surface occurs. This effect is known as lithium plating and reduces the battery capacity and performance severely by leaching active lithium from the electrolyte and depositing a metallic film over the anode.

 ISURF 5180 describes applying a magnetic field that reduces lithium plating during fast charging of Li-ion batteries. The primary reason that lithium plating occurs is spikes in flux during the fast charging process where electrical charge can build on the surface of the anode that over oxidizes free ions to metallic lithium. An applied magnetic field induces a rotating flux that causes a more uniform current flux distribution and thus reduces the tendency of charge accumulation, and consequently lithium plating. When demonstrated in fast charging instances, a 10% increase in capacity was observed between a control and a battery in a magnetic field over 10 cycles. This technology has the capability to increase the lifetime of fast-charged lithium ion batteries by hundreds of cycles.


• Bettter fast charging than current method 
• Increases lifespan of Li-Ion batteries 
• Avoids over-oxidation issue (current market deficiency) 


Increased battery life for fast charging applications including electric vehicles


Patent(s) applied for


Development Stage: 

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