MAST Gas Loader Cell

Competitive Advantages

  • Easy to use
  • Cheaper in cost 
  • Portable 
  • Multiple samples can be prepared at once


Currently, there are no commercially available gas loader cell apparatus for solid-state NMR ultra-high spinning rotors used in solid-state Magic Angle Spinning experiments. The gas loader cells available today for NMR rotors are costumed built by academic glassblower facilities by master glassblowers, and these facilities are slowly being phased out from institutions that cannot afford them. The existing cells produced of glass are expensive and fragile. The size needed for rotors to achieve ultra-high spinning speeds makes the design more complex. The purposed glass rotor is named as MAST gas loader. It is an efficient way to use an isotropic label gas, and it is portable enough to move it from one place to another. This new technology does not require a master glassblower or expensive glassware materials, noticeably reducing cost.

Transparent side view of the device’s base for a 1.3 mm rotor

Desired Partnerships

  • License 
  • Sponsored Research 
  • Co-Development 




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