Load-Adjustable Constant-Force Mechanisms

Competitive Advantages

  • Precise force output control
  • Dynamic adjustability
  • Improved power efficiency
  • Computerized control
  • Large potential for feedback control


In order to fulfill the need for precise force output control in robotic systems, our inventors have designed a CFM that is easily adjustable in a way that directly affects the output force.  This is accomplished by rotating the flexible member of a compliant crank slider about its longitudinal axis while constraining it to always bend in the same plane.  The force output of the device increases several times over as the compliant beam is rotated.  The system is adjusted electronically, presenting a large potential for feedback control. Constant-force devices, such as those in robotic end effectors, become highly adjustable with the option of dynamic adjustment under computer control.  Robotic armatures could also employ this system in their joints to maintain static balance in a wide range of positions, improving power efficiency. 


Compliant Crank Slider Mechanism 

Desired Partnerships

  • License
  • Sponsored Research
  • Co-Development
Patent Information:
Title App Type Country Serial No. Patent No. File Date Issued Date Expire Date
Load-Adjustable Constant-Force Mechanisms Utility United States 15/679,245 10,508,721 8/17/2017 12/17/2019 5/1/2038