Executive Summary
The piezoelectric effect is the ability of certain materials to generate an electric charge in response to mechanical stress. Typically these effects are seen in certain solid materials such as crystals, ceramics, semiconductors and polymers. Devices that take advantage of the piezoelectric effect are used in a range of applications including high power applications, musical instruments, non destructive test equipment, sonar and laboratory equipment. However the solid nature of the piezoelectric materials limits the applications they can be used in. MSU researchers have recently developed a new type of piezoelectric device that uses a liquid that demonstrates a repeatable piezoelectric response. The use of a liquid material opens the possibilities for new applications not possible with current rigid systems.
Description of the Technology
The invention uses a pure ionic liquid system that generates a voltage upon compression. To date, ionic liquids have been previously only used as solvents in conjunction with other piezoelectric materials. The ionic liquid system of this invention has been impregnated into open cell foam structures to produce flexible piezo devices and as stand alone liquid systems contained in piston like devices. The electric voltage generated has been tested and is repeatable over multiple cycles.
Patent Status
Patent pending
Licensing Rights
Full licensing rights available
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters article, 2023
Dr. Gary Blanchard, Md. Iqbal Hossain