
Reductions in leakage are a high priority for SevernTrent, Ofwat, the Environment Agency and the Consumer Council for Water. Customers are also keen to see leakage levels reduced, but need to be convinced that the costs are justified.

An estimated 27% of treated water is currently lost through distribution systems as leakage (although some of this is no doubt due to unmonitored consumption). Clearly, a cost-effective leakage management strategy can help address the challenges of maintaining a reliable water supply in the future.

Improving distribution networks (through mains replacement), detecting more leaks and repairing them more quickly will enable lower levels of leakage to be achieved at the lowest cost to customers and the environment. Reducing volumes of water abstracted, treated and distributed will reduce carbon emissions through reduced pumping and chemicals costs.

This must be balanced against the carbon impact of leakage reduction activities, such as transport and manufacture of materials. The social disbenefits of leakage reduction activities (such as those resulting from having to excavate roads and pavements) must also be taken into account.

Overall, leakage reduction activities need to be justified on the basis of the benefits attained in terms of the water saved against the economic, social and environmental costs incurred.



A partnership between Loughborough University, Severn Trent Water and Echologics has resulted in the launch of LeakFinderST – a novel leak noise correlator that offers a faster, more accurate and reliable way to detect leaks in plastic pipes


The Concept

Reducing water leaks is a priority for the water industry.  Underground leaks are responsible for £millions of water loss.  The longer it takes to detect leaks, the greater the volume of water loss, and the greater the potential for disruption from catastrophic pipe failure


Technology Uses

LeakFinderST’s patented technology enables the correlator to detect leaks faster and with greater accuracy and reliability.  It detects those leaks that have traditionally been more difficult to detect, principally those of non-metallic pipes.



Saving £millions of water loss.

Follow the link to find out more:http://www.lboro.ac.uk/enterprise/leakfinder/



Patent Information: