Laser for Standoff Detection




Standoff detection is used to identify specific, usually hazardous, materials at a distance. Hazardous materials may be of an explosive, chemical, biological, or nuclear nature, and so mitigating a potential threat is extremely important. The global market for hazard monitoring equipment has grown significantly in recent years and this growth is projected to continue into the future. Challenges to standoff detection include extending the effective range, reducing the impact of atmospheric and environmental interference, and increasing the sensitivity of the application to detect threats. There is a need for improved standoff detection methods that are accurate and capable of rapid threat identification in a variety of environments.


Description of Technology


This technology is a laser interrogation method of standoff detection that utilizes the non-linear process of stimulated Raman scattering.  A double reference detection technique is employed, providing magnitude much more sensitive detection capability of important targets than is currently available with other technologies. Importantly, this technology is insensitive to alterations in target scattering or fluctuations in laser intensity – enabling detection on a wide variety of surfaces and enhanced resistance to background and environmental interference.


Key Benefits

  • Increased sensitivity: this platform is many times more sensitive than are currently available methods and is able to detect even trace amounts of target chemicals.
  • Rapid localization: a large area can be rapidly scanned and accurately controlled, providing detailed localization information.
  • Robust: method is insensitive to target scattering changes and fluctuations in laser intensity and can detect from a wide variety of surfaces.




Trace explosive and chemical hazard detection – including strong applicability in the military and civil defense sectors, as well as airport security, shipping and ports, and international borders.


Patent Status


This technology is patent pending.




Marcos Dantus, Marshall Bremer


Tech ID




Patent Information: