Label-Free Single Molecule Spectroscopy and Detection

This invention incorporates FLOWER with dual frequency comb spectroscopy for molecular detection as well as identification. University of Arizona researchers have improved the signal to noise ratio of these measurements more than 1,000 times using frequency locking feedback control in combination with innovative data processing techniques. 

This optical technology has remote sensing capabilities that can be used in biomedical research for COVID-19. 

FLOWER is the acronym for a label-free biological and chemical sensing system known as a Frequency Locked Optical Whispering Evanescent Resonator that integrates microtoroid optical resonators with frequency locking feedback control, which aids the suppression of noise. Light is evanescently coupled into the microtoroid using an optical fiber. As particles bind, the resonance frequency of the microtoroid changes, enabling sensitive detection of binding events with resolution down to the macromolecule level and signal to noise ratio of 5.



  • Biomedical industry
  • Environmentally-related industries
  • Food and agriculture
  • Security


  • Portability
  • Multi-functionality
  • Sensitive and robust
  • Rapid analysis

Status: issued U.S. patent #11,378,516

COVID, COVID-19, COVID19, Coronavirus

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