Ionizing Radiation Resistant Cured Urishiol Lacquer and Cured Single Walled Nanotube Lacquer Composites

­Competitive Advantages

  • Single coating layer dissipates up to 120 megarads of radiation
  • Chemically stable structure absorbs radiation in a non-destructive manner
  • Mechanisms to economically renew coating and restore absorption identified


USF inventors have identified radiation resistant materials and the mechanism that leads to their resistance. Prior work done by our inventors has demonstrated that carbon nanotube materials supply radiation resistant properties. Due to the need of more radiation resistant materials to be designed, the incorporation of the novel lacquer-carbon nanotube materials exhibiting resistance to ionizing radiation will be of great value to industries. These materials could be employed for use in food irradiators, accelerators, space environments, and materials that must undergo sterilizations.

The Structure of Urushiol, the Major Component of Raw Lacquer

Desired Partnerships

  • License
  • Sponsored Research
  • Co-Development
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