Improved Facial Recognition and Rotated Facial Modeling


Executive Summary


This software exhibits many improvements to current facial recognition technology. When compared to current state-of-the-art technology against standard databases, this invention showed a 15% improvement. Additionally this invention includes novel features such as the possibility of multiple image and still frame inputs, as well as facial reconstruction available from profile-to-frontal view with 1 degree increments of rotation.


Description of Technology


Surveillance technology has consistently experienced exponential improvement from one generation of technology to the next, and as such the industry is part of a relatively large market that continues to experience significant growth. This invention outperforms current state-of-the-art technology by combining the two most common facial recognition techniques (frontal rotation and discriminative feature identification) in an effort to create better predictive facial modeling and facial recognition.


Key Benefits

  • 15% improvement from State-of-the-Art Technology
  • Easy to implement
  • Predictive Facial Modeling



  • Surveillance technology
  • Facial Recognition Technology


Patent Status: 


Patent pending


Licensing Rights Available


Full licensing rights available


Inventors: Dr. Xiaoming Liu


Tech ID: TEC2017-0054


Patent Information: