This patented technology is a new in vitro assay to demonstrate that diffusible factors from tissue of a pistil stimulate pollen tube germination and growth. University of Arizona researchers isolated a partially purified fraction of Arabidopsis pistil extract that promotes these activities. Utilizing molecular weight and mass spectral patterns, they predicted the chemical structure and devised a protocol to synthesize a novel compound from commercial precursors. Using an in-vitro assay, they demonstrated that the synthetic compounds mimic the natural purified fraction in stimulation of pollen germination and tube growth.
During plant reproduction, pistil cells are critical for inducing pollen germination and tube growth. It has been proposed that pistil cells also provide nutritional and navigation cues to guide pollen tubes to ovules. However, only a few of these signals have been identified until now. University of Arizona researchers recently discovered a component of Arabidopsis pistil extract that stimulates Arabidopisis pollen germination and pollen tube growth.
Patent information: issued patent #8,389,728