Hormone Treatment for Age-Related Hearing Loss-Presbycusis

­Competitive Advantages

  • Utilizes natural and FDA-approved compounds
  • Suitable for systemic applications
  • Minimal side effects


Our researchers have developed a novel drug combination of FDA-approved compounds that achieve significant therapeutic effects in the treatment of ARHL. These compounds include aldosterone, ammonium chloride, and an anti-inflammatory compound. The initial evidence from in vitro experiments, and in vivo studies of aging mice supports the effectiveness of this new drug formulation. This new treatment should preserve hearing while modulating the degeneration of spiral ganglion in aging cochlea. This technology may be an effective new treatment for ARHL.

The New Drug Combination Upregulates the Expression and Activity of NKCC1 Ion Channels to Improve the Flow of Potassium Ions in the Cochlea to Help Hearing

Desired Partnerships

  • License
  • Sponsored Research
  • Co-Development
Patent Information:
Title App Type Country Serial No. Patent No. File Date Issued Date Expire Date
Hormone Treatment for Age-Related Hearing Loss-Presbycusis Nationalized PCT United States 15/196,878 10,342,806 6/29/2016 7/9/2019 2/10/2035