Executive Summary
In many applications, the ability to debond adhered substrates is advantageous as this can significantly reduce removal time and costs. However, to date, reversible adhesive systems with the proper balance of performance under a variety of environmental conditions and debonding time have not been developed. MSU researchers have recently developed a new modified polymer system and related equipment, that debonds on demand under induction fields of specific strength and frequency. The system has been used to debond in 1 minute, 2’ x 2’ composite panels bonded to metal which normally took hours to remove mechanically.
Description of the Technology
This invention consists of a modified polymer and associated electronic equipment. The polymer itself can be a thermoplastic or thermoset and is modified by electromagnetically excitable particles dispersed in the matrix. The frequency of excitation of the modified polymer is optimally determined by a variable field induction applicator device which allows efficient power consumption and rapid debonding.
Patent Status
Patent pending
Licensing Rights
Full licensing rights available
Erik Stitt, Dr. Mahmoodul Haq, Dr. Lawrence Drzal