High-Speed Confocal Microscope

This invention describes a design and method for a high-speed, low-cost confocal microscope for cellular visualization of human tissues in vivo at microscopic resolution. It will be able to visualize cellular features associated with human diseases.


A confocal microscope is a kind of fluorescent microscope used to obtain high-quality 2D and 3D images. Products that produce these types of diagnostic images are extremely pricey. An average service contract for a device is around $120,000 USD. The technology would be used to develop a low-cost confocal microscope for diagnosing skin cancers, dermatologic conditions, and diagnosing and monitoring inflammatory conditions and other vasculature diseases. A low-cost high-throughput invention could revolutionize the market and could provide opportunities for further growth in the industry.



  • Cellular visualization associated with human diseases
  • Diagnosing and monitoring inflammatory conditions and other vascular skin diseases
  • Diagnosing skin cancers and other dermatological conditions



  • High speed
  • Low cost
  • Portable
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