Hierarchical Ensemble Of Autonomous Decision Systems For Automated Reasoning


  • Effective management of complex space systems through automation
  • Improved performance through optimized fuzzy set parameters
  • Hierarchical structure enables multi-layered logic for granular control and decisions incorporating inferred information


The utilization of the Hierarchical Ensembles of Autonomous Decision Systems (HEADS) framework, which combines competitive-cooperative expert systems and fuzzy logic makes it unique from others as it manages complex space systems through a hierarchical structure that leverages subject matter experts to design system operations. This framework enables efficient separation of the problem domain into logical components, allowing for multi-level decision making. The use of genetic algorithms for automated parameter tuning enhances system performance. Additionally, the emphasis on generalized performance and robustness to fault conditions distinguishes this approach, ensuring adaptability and reliability in spacecraft systems under various mission scenarios and potential failures. By combining these elements, the proposed approach offers a comprehensive and innovative solution for autonomous flight control.

Figure 1 - Autonomous Decision System: Fuzzy Inference

Figure 2 - Ensemble: Reasoning by Committee Wisdom of the Crowd

Figure 3 - Hierarchy: Multi-Layer Ensemble Logic

Desired Partnerships:

  • License
  • Sponsored Research
  • Co-Development
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