Heated Sand and Peat Mixture as Organic Slow-Release Fertilizer

Provides Nutrients and Amino Acids Plants Need for Optimal Growth

This organic and environmentally safe composition and method creates hydrophobic material that acts as slow-release fertilizer, for establishing and growing turfgrass and other plants. The inspiration for this material came from searching for hydrophobic testing materials to evaluate soil surfactants.


Researchers at the University of Florida have developed a slow-release fertilizer, a mixture of peat and filler material, such as sand, creating a hydrophobic mixture able to release nutrients slowly. The hydrophobic mixture extends the nutrient release time, provides amino acids to the plant, and ensures nutrients are taken up and used by the plant roots. Preliminary data suggests a significant increase in amino acids and root biomass. More importantly, plant quality and density are increased when compared to untreated controls.



Organic, hydrophobic mixture acts as a slow-release fertilizer with amino acids, slowing the release of nutrients for better utilization by plants



  • The components are easy to source and treatment to extend nutrient release is straightforward. Slow release of nutrients, enabling greater utilization by the plants and turfgrass
  • Heat treatment of a peat result in slow release of amino acids over time


The final product is a highly hydrophobic material that behaves as a slow-release fertilizer in the release of amino acids. It enhances rooting and thus improves growth and quality of seedlings and newly established plants. This slow-release fertilizer can be used as a component of a fertilizer package.

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