Heat Recovery System from High Temperature Slag from Metal Refinery Process

This invention is a heat recovery system to obtain both the sensible and latent heat from the solidification and cooling process in refining copper. The invention will use a hot composition conveyor and a heat recovery apparatus to recover the heat from the metal refinery process. The heat recovery apparatus flushes the slag which will take the thermal energy away. Through radiation and convection, the heat is transferred before the disposal of the slag, which has great economic benefits due to the recovery of a large amount of waste heat effectively. 

As a by-product of smelting or refining processes to purify metal-containing ores or crude metals, respectively, a large amount of high temperature molten slag is produced. The produced slag by-product is then separated from the desired metal product and generally allowed to cool naturally in an open environment or with the aid of water. During the cooling process, a considerable amount of energy is liberated from the slag by-product. Current natural or water-based cooling methods are not advantageous because the heat (that is, energy) released during the cooling process is not recovered for later use. This invention aims to recover the latent heat from the solidification of copper slag so that it can be used elsewhere instead of being wasted.


  • Metallurgical industries
  • Copper production


  • Improved energy efficiency
  • Increased process control
  • Cost savings
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