Heat Exchange System using Solid Particles and Fluid

This invention is a heat exchanger designed for heat transfer from solid particles to liquid inside of tubes. It consists of (1) slide particle flow and discharge belt, (2) solid particle flow distributor for particles to reach tube banks uniformly, and (3) tube bank arrangement for heat exchange. Particles fall and flow outside of the liquid tube bank providing a regulated method of heat transfer. The use of heat from solid particles can be used in industrial processes that typically are wasted to the environment.


  • Mining application - ore transfer and processing
  • Solar energy - heating of particles via solar energy
  • Cement and building material industries - waste heat recycling



  • Invention makes use of heat typically lost to outside environment
  • Possibly lowers heating costs or could be used to power outside buildings/communities
  • May be able to use existing equipment and infrastructure


Related Publications: Presented at 5th Annual World Congress of Advanced Materials 2016 (WCAM 2016)


Status: issued U.S. patent #11,560,880

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