Graphene-based Plasmonic Slot Electro-optic Modulator

Researchers at GW have developed a novel, cost-effective solution to perform electrical optical conversion. The solution can be a device or a design that can be graphene-based and can be a plasmonic slot electro-optic modulator as can be appreciated. The solution has a range of applications and advantages. For example, the novel solution is energy efficient, has enhanced performance, and is cost-effective in comparison to extant prior art. The novel solution uses optical electromagnetic wave propagating in the slot waveguide as signal, and therefore has a higher bandwidth due to low RC delay as can be appreciated. The novel solution also has a smaller footprint, which enables a low energy consumption in addition to a higher on-chip device density. Further, the novel solution has a broadband response, and this means that a higher bandwidth is feasible through integration with WDM technology.

The disclosed invention can be implemented as either a system, a method, or as a device as can be appreciated. The system or method or device can include various aspects as follows: (i) a silicon substrate which has a thickness below cut-off to ensure the light is propagating only through the plasmonic slot, which at the same time serves as a back gate for capacitive gating graphene; (ii) a silica oxide layer atop the silicon substrate, was previously found for a plasmonic slot waveguide to provide adequate mode confinement. In an embodiment, the disclosed invention can also include the following aspects: (i) capability of providing a subwavelength plasmonic confinement which would enhance the LMI with graphene; (ii) allowing SPP mode to propagate in-plane with graphene sheet, in addition to increasing the confinement factor; (iii) capability of providing a metal contact which serves as an electrical electrode and heat sink at the same time.


Fig. 1 – Aspects of the disclosed Invention


  • Applications in photonic integrated circuits
    • Electro-optic modulators
  • Applications in optical interconnect, environmental monitoring, biosensing, medicine and security


  • Enhanced Performance
  • Broadband response
  • High bandwidth
  • Small footprint
    • High density on-chip integration
    • Cost-effective
Patent Information:
Title App Type Country Serial No. Patent No. File Date Issued Date Expire Date
Graphene-based Plasmonic Slot Electro-optic Modulator US Utility United States 15/905,167 10,663,766 2/26/2018 5/26/2020 2/26/2038