Glycosylated Steroid Derivatives for Transport Across Biological Membranes

This technology uses novel glycosylated steroid derivatives to facilitate the transport of molecules of a second compound across biological membranes. The facilitation is achieved by combining the derivatives with the molecules of interest, either as a conjugate comprising the derivative covalently linked directly or indirectly with the molecule of interest or as an admixture comprising the two main components. In this manner, the molecule of interest, especially those of a therapeutic si gnificance, can better exhibit its activity, whether of a biological, physical or chemical nature. The technology also encompasses novel methods for the efficient synthesis of these derivatives, including their combinations with representative molecules of interest.

The glycosylated steroid derivatives of the present technology can interact with a wide variety of membranes, including biological phospholipid membranes, thereby possessing the potential to enhance the penetration of therapeutically-significant-compounds through such membranes. Princeton is currently seeking industrial collaborators to commercialize this technology.

Patent protection has been granted.

For more information please contact:

             William H. Gowen
             Office of Patents and Licensing
             Princeton University
             4 New South Building
             Princeton, NJ 08544-0036
             (609) 258-6762
             (609) 258-1159 fax

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