GL261-luc2 Model

GL261 (mouse glioma 261) is an in vivo model system used to study glioblastoma multiforme (GBM). This technology is the GL261 cell line stably transfected with the luc2 gene (GL261-luc2) for the monitoring of intracranial mouse tumors. GL261-luc2 is a brighter version than the original GL261-luc line.


Relevant Paper:
Abdelwahab MG, Sankar T, Preul MC, Scheck AC. Intracranial Implantation with Subsequent In Vivo Bioluminescent Imaging of Murine Gliomas. J. Vis. Exp. (57), e3403, DOI: 10.3791/3403, 2011.

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