Fullerene-Graphene Based High Efficiency Supercapacitors

This technology provides for enhancing capacitor power density, capacitive retention, and stability by using self growing nano particles on the electrodes of capacitors. Specifically, double-layer capacitance achieve electrostatic storage by separation of charge in a Helmholtz double layer at the interface between the surface of a conductive electrode and electrolyte. The invention couples graphene flakes and porous graphite with self-assembly fullerene to provide the ability to attain high areal and specific electric double layer capacitance.


  • Enhances battery or capacitor power density, capacitive retention, and stability by using self growing nano particles on the electrodes


  • Overall porosity
  • Mechanical strength of the film
  • Self-assemblies coupling
  • High power density
  • High capacitive retention and stability 
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