Fuel Cell Metallic Bipolar Plate

This invention involves three main separate components (others include UA18-212, & UA18-211) that are combined to create a novel, more efficient and less costly high temperature proton-exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell. The invention is comprised of a polymer membrane, an electrochemical hydrogen compressor, a bi-metal plate and cooling systems. Individually, each component is novel and has advanced capabilities compared to those available on the market. Together, they form an innovative and more efficient fuel cell. While PEM fuel cells exist, and this field is under heavy research and development, none have been able to meet the capabilities of this invention.



Fuel cells are quickly gaining recognition as the next fuel source for automobiles, public transit systems and are being researched for uses in aircraft. This is because they are capable of greatly reducing the greenhouse gases emitted during energy production. Secondly, automobile manufacturers believe that fuel cells have the potential to decrease the range limitations of battery only cars and are quicker to fuel than charging a battery. As an example, the Honda Clarity Fuel Cell has a range of approximately 366 miles and the battery version only a range of 89 miles. However, there are limitations to using fuel cell technology, primarily their cost. Going back to the previous example, the Clarity Fuel Cell sells for $60,000 and the hybrid version costs only $33,000, making the fuel cell version nearly double the cost. Being able to reduce the cost of fuel cells is fundamental to spreading their use. This invention not only reduces the total cost of the fuel cell but is more efficient and reliable than what is currently available.



  • Hydrogen fuel cells 


  • Affordable; low cost
  • Tolerant to shock and vibration
  • Long term operation
  • High temperature durability
  • Avoids current limitations due to rehydration of PEM
  • More efficient
  • Allows for compact hydrogen gas storage
  • Greater corrosion resistance
  • Allows for active cooling within the system
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